Spouse of KCU alumna honored with the 2024 AOF/AAOA Donna Jones Moritsugu Memorial Award

In partnership with the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA), the American Osteopathic Foundation (AOF) has presented Krystian Koszalka, spouse of Kansas City University (KCU) alumna Karina Wojtas-Koszalka, DO (COM 2024), with the 2024Donna Jones Moritsugu Memorial Award.

Established in 1993, this award honors the memory of Donna Jones Moritsugu, the late wife of Kenneth P. Moritsugu, MD, a former deputy surgeon general of the United States. Dr. Moritsugu recalls the profound impact his wife had on his medical career, describing her as “the wind beneath his wings,” a sentiment that reflects the often-overlooked role spouses and partners play in supporting health care professionals.

Krystian embodies this same spirit. After marrying in 2019, just weeks before Karina learned of her acceptance into KCU, the couple faced the difficult challenge of uprooting their lives for a fourth time, having recently moved from Poland to Canada to Michigan, and eventually settling in Joplin, Missouri. For Krystian, this meant adapting to a completely new environment, knowing only one person in an unfamiliar place. Despite the difficulties, he remained by Karina’s side, supporting her every step of the way during medical school.

Beyond offering emotional and practical support, Krystian pursued his own ambitions, founding a construction company in Joplin while ensuring Karina had everything she needed to succeed in medical school. His recognition by the AOF and AAOA is a tribute to the sacrifices and dedication that spouses of medical students make behind the scenes–often unnoticed but undeniably vital. As Karina continues her medical career as a family medicine resident at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, Krystian’s contributions continue to serve as an inspiring example of partnership, perseverance and shared commitment to the osteopathic profession.